How much is a dumpster permit in chicago?

Yes, the city of Chicago requires that you have a permit to place your garbage container if you place it on the street. Due to limited space in Chicago, you may have to place your convertible container on city streets, alleyways, or even sidewalks. When a rolling container is placed on city property, a permit is required. However, if a dumpster is placed on personal property, such as a driveway or inside a construction site, a permit is not needed.

Other dumpster rental companies require that you obtain a permit for your convertible container, adding additional stress to your project. Some cities never require a permit, while other cities and towns may have limited days for leaving a dumpster on the property or special regulations on flashing lights and cones around the bin. Other dumpster rental companies require that you obtain permission to use your convertible bin, adding more stress to your project.

Stipo Grgić
Stipo Grgić

Passionate food enthusiast. Hipster-friendly pop culture maven. Wannabe zombie specialist. Internet maven. Incurable twitter buff.

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